I’m a Physiotherapist and APPI certified Pilates instructor passionate about nature, wellness and health…
I love to come along side women, men and children alike to equip them to improve their health and wellbeing.
I graduated with First Class Honours in my Physiotherapy BSc Hons degree in 2005 and I have a wide range of experience since working in musculoskeletal Physio and Health. I spent my early years working in the NHS, and later in the Private sector, as well as in other cultures and countries.
I have been teaching Pilates for over 12 years and have had extensive training. I’m a certified trainer with APPI Pilates and teach classes reaching a wide range of people. The holistic approach of Pilates with a focus on posture, inner core and breath work permeates all my work. This has given me specialist knowledge of the rehab of spinal problems and a whole body postural approach to other joint problems. I have additional Pilates training for specific populations including runners, kids and teens and those who are hypermobile as well as Healthy HIIT Pilates.
My interest in Pre/Post Natal care and Pelvic Health education developed working in Women’s Health and Empowerment Projects in Central Asia. I have since developed a course for women in the early post natal period to be supported through education and guided practice as they train their pelvic floor, address postural changes and progressively return to exercise with an understanding of healing times and how to listen to their bodies. The course is enlightening, supportive, practical and builds community. As well as supporting women through Pilates to maintain strength and movement and apply relaxation techniques and preparing for birth during pregnancy. I have an holistic approach in all my work drawing on Physio knowledge, counselling and coaching skills. I am and Advanced Pregnancy Wellness Practitioner and an affiliate member of POGP.
I am passionate about women being supported to take care of themselves as they expend themselves on their children in motherhood.
In 2019 I founded Simply Thrive and have been growing my services around my young family. I understand the pressures of juggling family, work and life demands, and my approach is gentle, empathic, supportive. I give time to understand not only my client’s presenting problem but wider concerns, understanding that body, mind and soul are all connected. I love to educate and equip clients to see progress and develop sustainable habits for long term good health and well-being.
I enjoy trail running, I do it as much for my mind and soul as for my body, and feel closest to Jesus when I’m outside. I love the outdoors and value the benefit of taking time and exercising in nature which is reflected in my Pilates Refresh Retreats. For every new one to one client that I see a tree will be planted.